ScreenClass class constructor
A ProviderRegistry used to access underlying implementations
A Map of FindHookCallback methods assigned to a template image
capture captures a screenshot of a systems main display
Basename for the generated screenshot
The FileType for the generated screenshot
The output path for the generated screenshot (Default: cwd)
Filename prefix for the generated screenshot (Default: empty)
Filename postfix for the generated screenshot (Default: empty)
captureRegion captures a screenshot of a region on the systems main display
Basename for the generated screenshot
The region of the screen to capture in the screenshot
The FileType for the generated screenshot
The output path for the generated screenshot (Default: cwd)
Filename prefix for the generated screenshot (Default: empty)
Filename postfix for the generated screenshot (Default: empty)
find will search for a single occurrence of a given search input on a systems main screen
A FindInput instance
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>OptionalSearchParameters which are used to fine tune search region and / or match confidence
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>Optional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>Optional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>findAll will search for every occurrence of a given search input on a systems main screen
A FindInput instance to search for
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>OptionalSearchParameters which are used to fine tune search region and / or match confidence
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>Optional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>Optional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>grabRegion grabs screen content of a region on the systems main display
height returns the main screen height This refers to the hardware resolution. Screens with higher pixel density (e.g. retina displays in MacBooks) might have a higher height in in actual pixels
on registers a callback which is triggered once a certain searchInput image is found
to trigger the callback on
The FindHookCallback function to trigger
waitFor searches for a template image for a specified duration
Filename of the template image, relative to ScreenClass.config.resourceDirectory, or an Image
timeoutMs: numberTimeout in milliseconds after which waitFor fails
updateInterval: numberUpdate interval in milliseconds to retry search
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>OptionalSearchParameters which are used to fine tune search region and / or match confidence
timeoutMs: numberOptional
updateInterval: numberOptional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>Optional
timeoutMs: numberOptional
updateInterval: numberOptional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>Optional
timeoutMs: numberOptional
updateInterval: numberOptional
params: OptionalSearchParameters<PROVIDER_DATA_TYPE>width returns the main screen width This refers to the hardware resolution. Screens with higher pixel density (e.g. retina displays in MacBooks) might have a higher width in in actual pixels
Generated using TypeDoc
ScreenClass class provides methods to access screen content of a systems main display